Meat Pricing & Profitability


Meat Pricing & Profitability

Setting a profitable price for your direct-to-consumer meat sales requires careful record keeping and analysis, starting with your cost of production.

Want to Start a Small Meat Processing Plant?


Want to Start a Small Meat Processing Plant?

Think through and write your own business plan to determine if building a meat processing facility would be viable and sustainable in your market.

Beef or Hogs?


Beef or Hogs?

Should you process and sell beef, hogs, deer, or all of the above? Download this pdf for some good advice about estimating profitability per species.

Evaluating a Freezer Beef Price


Evaluating a Freezer Beef Price

Calculate your freezer beef P&L compared to selling on a live basis, expected amount of beef and estimate prices for freezer beef when selling whole animals, halves and quarters of beef.

Selling Freezer Beef


Selling Freezer Beef

Use this fact sheet to successfully sell freezer beef by communicating the value and quality of the meat and setting an appropriate price per pound.

Beef Yields and Storage Needs

Customer Resources

Beef Yields and Storage Needs

This simple chart takes you from starting live weight to carcass hanging weight to your final meat yield in pounds and the cubic feet of freezer storage you’ll need.

An Inside Look at Beef

Meat Cutting

An Inside Look at Beef

Learn your way around muscle names, locations and functions and gain a better understanding of the entire beef carcass.

Creating More Value in Beef Cuts

Meat Cutting

Creating More Value in Beef Cuts

Learn how up-and-coming beef cuts can help you pull more value out of your next beef carcass with this rich online resource that includes location diagrams and nutrition data.