Visual Carcass Inspection

Food Safety

Visual Carcass Inspection

Here’s a good general approach to inspecting a carcass for visible contamination and the preventative action needed to avoid or correct inspection failure.

Shelf Stability Tool

Food Safety

Shelf Stability Tool

Use this Shelf Stability Predictor to measure the probability of LM or Staph growing on your shelf-stable meat products.

Grinder Maintenance to Ensure Food Safety


Grinder Maintenance to Ensure Food Safety

Use this resource as a reminder of good meat grinder sanitation and inspection habits to maintain food safety for your customers.

Best Practices for Pathogen Testing

Food Safety

Best Practices for Pathogen Testing

Use this resource as a smart addition to a beef processing plant’s overall food safety system.

International Allergen Labeling Guide

Food Safety

International Allergen Labeling Guide

The Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP) has pulled together an international online interactive map and chart to help with allergen labeling regulations.

Meat Questions? Ask USDA!

Food Safety

Meat Questions? Ask USDA!

If you or your customers have any questions about the meat you offer from your counter, look no further than

Your Allergen Control Plan

Food Safety

Your Allergen Control Plan

To protect your business and keep customers safe, here is a fundamental framework to build your own Allergen Control Plan.

Best Meat Thawing

Customer Resources

Best Meat Thawing

Use this pdf to remind your customers about the safest ways to prepare meat for cooking.

Keeping Customers Safe

Customer Resources

Keeping Customers Safe

Give your meat and poultry purchasers the basic guidelines necessary to eat healthy and stay safe.

Code Dating and Rework

Food Safety

Code Dating and Rework

Update your knowledge of spoilage bacteria vs. harmful bacteria, different expiration dating systems, and the true impact of reworking processed meat.

Safety for Small Plants

Food Safety

Safety for Small Plants

This USDA-FSIS website portal helps smaller meat plants produce flexible, more efficient and HACCP compliant food safety protocol.

How to Become a USDA Federally Inspected Facility

Food Safety

How to Become a USDA Federally Inspected Facility

In this interview with Dr. Lynn Delmore, a Meat Scientist and Food Safety Consultant, you’ll get first-hand advice about obtaining and maintaining a USDA certification.