Phosphates in Meat Products: Are They Really That Bad?

By sarahrussell Sep 12 2 min read

Phosphates, alongside salt, are crucial ingredients in meat products, contributing to better texture, water retention, and flavor stability. Despite their benefits, there’s been a trend to remove them from food labels over the past decade. But why? Phosphates are naturally occurring compounds in our bodies, and phosphorus, a component of phosphate, is vital for our […]

Avoiding Give Away During Sausage Production

By Rob Maddock Aug 21 2 min read

Tight margins and rising input costs in sausage manufacturing make it crucial to optimize production yields and minimize product “giveaway.” Giveaway, the shipping of packages that weigh more than the label states, is a controllable cost, particularly in natural-casing sausages. These sausages are more prone to varying weights due to differences in casings and the […]

From Quality Control to Industry Leadership: Sharon Beals on The Meat Locker

By Sharon Beals Aug 01 2 min read

The Summer Olympic Games are here and what a great time to be cheering on your favorite team/sport/athlete! So thankful for the live streams (and the later rebroadcasts), to see these athletes at the very top of their game. So, what does this have to do with the launch of the Meat Locker? Have you […]

AMSA Launches The Meat Locker: A Comprehensive Resource for Anyone Associated with Meat!

By Christi Calhoun Jul 15 2 min read

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is excited to announce the launch of The Meat Locker, a new website created as part of a grant received through the Meat Processing Plant Technical Assistance (MPPTA) program. This initiative was born out of a recognized need for a comprehensive, one-stop-shop for technical resources related to meat. The […]

Welcome to the Meat Locker

By Rob Maddock Mar 26 2 min read

Welcome to the Meat Locker

Welcome to the “Meat Locker” a special project by the American Meat Science Association to provide current and useful information about all aspects of meat processing and the meat business.   We have gathered information from our members, industry partners, academia and trade associations. Also, when we found information about a topic was lacking, we turned to this […]