Pork Slaughter Process Video


Pork Slaughter Process Video

**Warning Graphic Content: The accompanying video runs through the steps of pig slaughter, from stunning to final processing.

Pork Slaughter Process Flow


Pork Slaughter Process Flow

This handy process chart lists out every major step in pork slaughter and processing.

Beef Slaughter and Processing


Beef Slaughter and Processing

*Warning: Graphic Content. See beef cattle stunned with a captive bolt and the following full carcass dressing and processing method used in today’s processing plants.

Creating a Sanitary Dressing Program in Beef


Creating a Sanitary Dressing Program in Beef

Establish and ensure a safe, ethical and hygienic slaughter sanitary dressing program.

Creating a Sanitary Dressing Program in Hogs


Creating a Sanitary Dressing Program in Hogs

Establish and ensure a safe, ethical and hygienic slaughter sanitary dressing program.

Humane Handling for Haulers


Humane Handling for Haulers

Here’s a good list of livestock handling guidelines you can send in a letter to your haulers.

Visual Carcass Inspection

Food Safety

Visual Carcass Inspection

Here’s a good general approach to inspecting a carcass for visible contamination and the preventative action needed to avoid or correct inspection failure.