Understanding Woody Breast Meat

Principles of Meat Science

Understanding Woody Breast Meat

Refer to this document for more details about the causes of woody breast, the severity levels and whether it can be used in your meat value stream.

Managing Meat Color

Principles of Meat Science

Managing Meat Color

Manage the color of the meat you sell by controlling your packaging materials and characteristics.

The Color of Meat

Principles of Meat Science

The Color of Meat

This resource guide takes you into some of the finer points of factors affecting meat color and what it means.

The Importance of Lighting

Principles of Meat Science

The Importance of Lighting

An overview on the different types of light, their varying intensities and how their rendering indexes and color temperatures influence the look of raw meat.

Meat Terms from A to Z


Meat Terms from A to Z

The University of Nebraska has pulled together a rather exhaustive glossary of industry-speak sure to come in handy.