About The Meat Locker

Welcome to The Meat Locker, your ultimate online resource for comprehensive information on meat safety, plant operations, and frequently asked questions. Our platform is designed to serve the entire meat industry and anyone associated with the industry of any size and scale, providing valuable insights and practical guidance to professionals, enthusiasts, and newcomers alike.

The Meat Locker is dedicated to disseminating the best practices and most current information in the meat industry. We aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in all aspects of meat processing and safety.

The Foundation and Funding

The Meat Locker was created, is owned, and is maintained by the American Meat Science Association (AMSA). Our efforts were made possible by a USDA-AMS grant, positioning us as one of the seven providers in the Meat and Poultry Processing Technical Assistance (MPPTA) network. This support underscores our commitment to fostering excellence and innovation in the meat industry.

Collaborative Efforts

We pride ourselves on utilizing and showcasing existing content from a diverse array of sources. Our website features the collective expertise of our meat scientist members, member institutions, association collaborators, and other technical assistance providers within our network. By giving credit to the original creators, we ensure that The Meat Locker remains a trustworthy and comprehensive resource.

Commitment to the Industry

Our commitment extends beyond our members to the broader meat industry. We strive to provide a user-friendly and easily navigable platform that caters to the needs of everyone involved in meat processing and safety. Continuous updates and expansions to our knowledge base ensure that we remain a relevant and valuable resource for all.

About American Meat Science Association

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is a leading professional organization dedicated to advancing the science of meat. With a focus on education, research, and collaboration, AMSA serves as a vital resource for industry professionals, academics, and students worldwide.