Welcome to the Meat Locker

Welcome to the “Meat Locker” a special project by the American Meat Science Association to provide current and useful information about all aspects of meat processing and the meat business.
We have gathered information from our members, industry partners, academia and trade associations. Also, when we found information about a topic was lacking, we turned to this same group of leaders to develop materials. The information is presented in an easy to find and use format. All information found here was put through a review process and will be constantly curated to ensure it stays up to date. Some of the information here is found directly on this site, and some may link you to other sites.
The genesis of the meat locker was to place all of the scientific and technical information at AMSA into one place to make it more useful and easier to find. In addition, AMSA joining the Meat and Poultry Technical Assistance (MMPTA) network accelerated the development of the Meat Locker as we found an increasing need for processors of all sizes to have easy access to current resources.
If you are not familiar with the MPPTA, the network was developed in response to supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Consumers expect to always have access to safe and high-quality meat products, and the pandemic showed vulnerabilities in the ability of the US meat supply chain. In response, USDA was tasked with improving the resiliency of the meat supply, which included many grants, loans, and other programs. The MMPTA was developed at the same time to make sure that the investments in the meat supply chain were well done, and lead to long lasting and durable meat businesses.We hope you find the information here to be useful. As you search the Meat Locker, if you cannot find the information you need, please contact us and we will get you the resources you need.
By Rob Maddock, Ph.D.
AMSA Technical Assistance Officer